Welcome to Hertfordshire Walker

Free walks available on any device


Ordnance Survey Explorer map 182
Ordnance Survey Explorer map 182
Below are two lists of links to help you get the most out of Hertfordshire Walker. The first is a list of help files which we have written to try to answer many of the frequently asked questions that we receive. The second list contains links to every page on Hertfordshire Walker for those who want to read more about the site.

Frequently asked questions

Tips for getting the most out of Hertfordshire Walker

Site map

All the pages on Hertfordshire Walker


  1. Hi David. Any plans to route a walk that takes in Perry Green and perimeter of Henry Moore Studios? My sister is moving to Widford and wondered if we could figure out a route using footpaths. I found one online from Much Hadham (not a HW one). Thx

    1. Hi, we have this one... https://www.hertfordshirewalker.uk/2020/07/walk-106-much-hadham-se-loop.html


Comments and feedback
If you try any of the walks on this site, please let us know what you thought of them by adding a comment here or on our members-only Facebook group. Comments here are checked before they are published. Comments on the Facebook group go live immediately.

Facebook group rules

Facebook group rules
We have set 10 rules for our Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group which are designed to help keep the group focused on walking in the Hertfordshire countryside

Promoted charity: The Trussell Trust

Promoted charity: The Trussell Trust
Supporting those locked in poverty

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How to benefit more from your walks

How to benefit more from your walks
Five ways to supercharge your walks written by Jack McNamara, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of East London