Welcome to Hertfordshire Walker

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Pubs and cafes

The Woodman, Wildhill - photo by Terry Richards 2014
The Woodman, Wildhill - photo by Terry Richards 2014
Most of our walks feature local pubs and cafes where walkers can stop for refreshments. Many of the pubs also serve hot drinks, snacks and soft drinks for non-drinkers.

Below are two green buttons which, if you hover over them, will expand to show every pub or cafe either on our routes or close by.

As you scroll down the list you will notice a number to the right of each entry. This represents the number of times the establishment is mentioned in our walks.

If you click the entry you will be taken to a page with every walk that features that particular pub or cafe. You can then scroll down that page and pick a walk that takes your fancy.

We always include a link to a website associated with the pub or cafe. This is so that walkers can check opening hours before setting off so as to avoid disappointment.

Hover over or click on the button below to reveal the pubs that feature in our walks.

Hertfordshire Walker doesn't recommend any of the pubs or cafes listed, and we have not visited all of them. We have not sponsorship or commercial releationship with any of the outlets and include them in the site for information purposes only.

Emily's tea shop Whitwell
Emily's tea shop Whitwell
You will notice there are far fewer cafes listed than there are pubs. This is because we started adding cafes along our routes in 2023 following requests from users of our Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group.

If you pass a good cafe on one of our walks and if it is not included in the list below please let us know by either posting a message in the comment box at the bottom of this page or by using the contact form.

As you scroll down the list you will notice a number to the right of each entry. This represents the number of times the establishment is mentioned in our walks.

If you click the entry you will be taken to a page with every walk that features that particular cafe. You can then scroll down that page to pick a walk that takes your fancy.

We always include a link to a website associated with the pub or cafe. This is so that walkers can check opening hours before setting off so as to avoid disappointment.

Hover over or click on the button below to reveal the pubs that feature in our walks.

Some of the establishments in the lists above use the definite article ‘the’ on their names and others don’t.

This is because found inconsistencies in how some of the pubs were referred to on their own sites, on their Facebook pages, and on TripAdvisor.

So we have dropped the definite article in all cases. This also makes it easier to search the list alphabetically.


  1. West End Barns, Nomansland

    1. Great, thanks, I will check which of our walks pass by that place then add them to the list. It will take a few days. Thanks for pointing it out. David

    2. I got round to it faster than I thought. West End Barns has been added to four of our walks. Thanks for taking the trouble to point it out.

  2. Brewhouse in Wheathampstead, just a short detour at the end of the Wheathampstead walks as you approach the church but well worth it for the delicious cakes and coffee

    1. Great, thanks, that affects 16 of our walks so I will get cracking adding this tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know. David


Comments and feedback
If you try any of the walks on this site, please let us know what you thought of them by adding a comment here or on our members-only Facebook group. Comments here are checked before they are published. Comments on the Facebook group go live immediately.

Facebook group rules

Facebook group rules
We have set 10 rules for our Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group which are designed to help keep the group focused on walking in the Hertfordshire countryside

Promoted charity: The Trussell Trust

Promoted charity: The Trussell Trust
Supporting those locked in poverty

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How to benefit more from your walks

How to benefit more from your walks
Five ways to supercharge your walks written by Jack McNamara, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of East London