Welcome to Hertfordshire Walker

Free walks available on any device

Facebook group rules

Our Facebook group rules indicate which way members should proceed
Our Facebook group rules indicate which way members should proceed
The following rules have been set for the Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group in order to try to ensure that all contributions are related to walking in the Hertfordshire countryside. They are copied here so that members of our Facebook group can revisit them when needed.

1 - Posts about walking in Hertfordshire welcome
This Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group is for sharing experiences, photographs and tips about walking in the Hertfordshire countryside. It is not for sharing photos of places or activities outside Hertfordshire. Please don't share photos you have not taken or posts from outside the group. Please don't photos of fly tipping spotted on a walk.

2 - A friendly and helpful group
We want everyone who joins this Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group to feel welcome, valued, and safe. Negative comments about race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender, or disability will be removed, as will posts which are offensive or are critical of others. This group is about friendly collaboration with a diverse group of fellow-walkers who enjoy sharing their experiences of walking in the Hertfordshire countryside.

3 - No commercial promotions or buying and selling
Mentions of businesses to do with walking in the Hertfordshire countryside - such as cafes and pubs visited along the way - are welcome, but individual promotions from those outlets are not. If a discussion develops over the best walking kit to buy, that's fine, but promoting other businesses is not allowed. Please don't post about selling items you no longer need. This is not the place to buy or sell.

4 - No politics or religion
This group is about sharing our love of walking in the beautiful Hertfordshire countryside. It's not the place for promoting political or religious events or debate. There are other groups far better suited for such conversations. However discussions are welcome regarding policies and planning issues to do with preserving our public rights of way and our right to roam.

5 - Lost pets and lost property
If you lose your dog while out on a walk please feel free to post its picture, the number and name of the walk, and the location where the dog went missing. If you can add a What3Words reference all the better because it will help people see where the pet was lost. The same with lost property. Hopefully, a fellow walker reading the post might have some information. But please don't forward general lost pet appeals from other Facebook groups. They are best posted in local community groups

6 - No personal sponsorship appeals
We are happy for charities to post about sponsored walks to raise money for worthy causes, and we applaud anyone who takes part in such activities. However we don't allow appeals for personal or group sponsorships for those taking part in such events or for general sponsorships appeals.

7 - No text graphics or stickers please
When you post a message in the Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group please use plain text rather than the colourful large text graphics option that Facebook includes. We don't want simple text messages such as "Hi, I am new to the group" amplified with graphics. Also please don't use the large cheesy sticker avatars. Both detract from the lovely photos shared by group members.

8 - Please don't post personal walking invitations
This group is ideal for organised walking groups to invite walkers to join their groups, and for those wanting to find an official walking group to join. However this is not the place for individual invitations for walking companions. This is for safeguarding reasons. The group's personal messaging system should not be used for this purpose either unless you already know the person and have mutual trust.

9 - Short videos only
Members of the group are welcome to post videos from their walks as long as they are no longer than three minutes. This is because I have a responsibility to check all content uploaded to the group for safeguarding and taste and decency reasons and I don't have the time to check videos that are any longer.

10 - Trespass and traffic
Please don't post details of any walks that involve trespass or walking along busy roads that could be dangerous. All walks on Hertfordshire Walker follow public rights of way (ROW) or permissive paths. We take care to avoid busy sections of road which could put walkers in danger. Many walkers visit our Facebook group looking for walking suggestions; we don't want the group to become a platform for walks that use unauthorised paths or involve personal risk.

Thanks to all our Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group members for abiding by these rules.

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Comments and feedback
If you try any of the walks on this site, please let us know what you thought of them by adding a comment here or on our members-only Facebook group. Comments here are checked before they are published. Comments on the Facebook group go live immediately.

Facebook group rules

Facebook group rules
We have set 10 rules for our Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group which are designed to help keep the group focused on walking in the Hertfordshire countryside

Promoted charity: The Trussell Trust

Promoted charity: The Trussell Trust
Supporting those locked in poverty

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How to benefit more from your walks

How to benefit more from your walks
Five ways to supercharge your walks written by Jack McNamara, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of East London