Welcome to Hertfordshire Walker

Hundreds of free walks available on any device


All content on Hertfordshire Walker is protect by copyright - Image created by Hertfordshire Walker using Microsoft's AI Image Creator
All content on Hertfordshire Walker is protect by copyright
The text and the majority of photographs for the walks published on Hertfordshire Walker have been created by Dave Brewer and Ellie Brewer, and are protected by copyright as follows, © Hertfordshire Walker 2024. Where photographs have been shared by followers of Hertfordshire Walker the name of that person who owns the copyright will be added.

All rights are reserved, and any unauthorised publication, in print, online, or for any mobile device in the form of an app, or the broadcasting of any of the material in any format, will constitute an infringement of copyright. All commercial copying is prohibited.

Maps of routes

The maps and satellite images have different copyright holders. A list of all the sources for these images is listed beneath each map or satellite images used on Hertfordshire Walker. Examples below.

An example of a Hertfordshire Walker map created using MapHub
An example of a Hertfordshire Walker map created using MapHub
The maps for these walk are downloaded from MapHub having been created on the MapHub platform by me, Dave Brewer, using a base map provided by Thunderforest. The copyright for all maps is as follows:

© Thunderforest, © OpenStreetMap contributors, © MapHub, © Hertfordshire Walker.

The interactive maps embedded on Hertfordshire Walker are built by Dave Brewer, using the free MapHub 'Classic' map.

Satellite images of routes

An example of a MapHub satellite image used on Hertfordshire Walker
An example of a MapHub satellite image used on Hertfordshire Walker
When satellite images are used to clarify a route they include material produced by several copyright holders. These images are also created on MapHub using a number of sources, including:

© Esri, © DigitalGlobe, © GeoEye, © Earthstar Geographics, © CNES/Airbus DS, © USDA, © USGS, © AEX, © Getmapping, © Aerogrid, © IGN, © IGP, © swisstopo, © GIS User Community

Reporting any infringements

If anyone sees any infringements of the copyright protecting the content published on Hertfordshire Walker please let us know by using the site's contact form.

Thank you

Dave Brewer

The graphic of the copyright symbol the top of this page was created using Microsoft's AI Image Creator.

Facebook group rules

Facebook group rules
We have set 10 rules for our Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group which are designed to help keep the group focused on walking in the Hertfordshire countryside

Promoted charity: The Trussell Trust

Promoted charity: The Trussell Trust
Supporting those locked in poverty

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