Welcome to Hertfordshire Walker

Free walks available on any device


Comments welcome on the site and on our Facebook group
Comments welcome on the site and on our Facebook group
Hertfordshire Walker welcomes comments, feedback and suggestions about the walks we publish.

We want this to be a community project with everyone feeling they can add to this resource of free Hertfordshire rambles.

If you spot a significant change in a walk - where perhaps a right of way has been rerouted or a photograph in the directions is no longer accurate because a gate has changed for example - please add the details in the comment box below each walk.

This is so that fellow walkers can benefit from your observations.

As with all public comment areas we have a few basic rules, which I know most people will abide by, but they need to be mentioned. Any posts that appear to be spam, contain adult content, are abusive and inflammatory, contain non-relevant links, or contain any copyright material will be deleted.

All the rest is fine. We look forward to reading your comments about our walks.

Facebook group rules

Facebook group rules
We have set 10 rules for our Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group which are designed to help keep the group focused on walking in the Hertfordshire countryside

Promoted charity: The Trussell Trust

Promoted charity: The Trussell Trust
Supporting those locked in poverty

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How to benefit more from your walks

How to benefit more from your walks
Five ways to supercharge your walks written by Jack McNamara, Senior Lecturer in Clinical Exercise Physiology at the University of East London