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Walk 278: Reed East Loop

5.5 miles (8.9 km) with 74.6m of total ascent

The byway after point 34 in the walk
The byway after point 34 in the walk
This is our second walk from Reed, this time exploring the countryside to the east of the village. It is a lovely quiet route with large stretches where the only sound is birdsong interrupted by the odd plane overhead. You will pass the site of The Barkway Hoard, where treasure, buried in the 4th century, was found.

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If you want to check what sort of landscape you will be crossing before you set off on this walk you can view a short 3D video of the route below. It's created using the free version of Relive.


Map for Walk 278: Reed East Loop
Map for Walk 278: Reed East Loop
Click on the map above for a larger version
Created on Map Hub by Hertfordshire Walker
Elements © Thunderforest © OpenStreetMap contributors

There is an interactive map below these directions
Those with GPS devices can download GPX or KML files for this walk. We've added What3Words location references for those who use that system. If you print these walks you might want to use the green PrintFriendly icon at the bottom of these directions to delete elements such as photographs.

Enter the churchyard on Reed footpath 17
Enter the churchyard on Reed footpath 17
1: From the junction of Church Lane and Church Close (location - https://w3w.co/sharpness.dividers.grading), enter the churchyard of St Mary's Church on Reed footpath 17 (location - https://w3w.co/mega.elections.loves).

The church has a rich history. It was recorded in the Doomsday Book of 1086, and parts of it date back to the Saxon period.

Walk through the churchyard, with the church on your left, heading E on Reed footpath 17. Continue for 90m until you reach a gap in the hedge leading to a field (location - https://w3w.co/whimpered.remote.destined), see image below.

Go through the gap then follow Reed footpath 17 across an arable field
Go through the gap then follow Reed footpath 17 across an arable field
2: Go through the gap then head E following Reed footpath 17 across an arable field. Continue for 250m until you cross a track then reach a gap in the hedgerow (location - https://w3w.co/scores.rainwater.decide), see image below.

Go through the gap to reach a junction
Go through the gap to reach a junction
3: Go through the gap in the hedgerow to reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/awakening.ribcage.ozone), see image below.

Turn left at the junction then turn right up a set of steps
Turn left at the junction then turn right up a set of steps
Turn left at the junction then turn right up a set of steps. Continue heading E, now on Reed bridleway 9, across an arable field for 215m until you reach a footpath junction (location - https://w3w.co/dusters.elevate.pacifist), see image below.

Keep right at the junction, still on Reed bridleway 9
Keep right at the junction, still on Reed bridleway 9
4: Keep right at the junction, still on Reed bridleway 9, then head SE then E, with the hedgerow on the left and field on the right. Continue for 205m until the bridleway bends right (location - https://w3w.co/relished.surround.juror). Follow Reed bridleway 9 as it heads S for 50m until you reach a gap in the hedgerow on the left (location - https://w3w.co/tested.mocking.refer), see image below.

Go through the gap then turn right
Go through the gap then turn right
5: Go through the gap then turn right to head SSE for 90m across an arable field, see image below.

Turn right then head across an arable field
Turn right then head across an arable field
If Reed bridleway 9 has not been reinstated across the arable field, and if you are uncomfortable walking through the crop, there is an unofficial detour you can take to reach point 6, see map below.

The possible detour marked in orange
The possible detour marked in orange
6: Turn left at the hedgerow (location - https://w3w.co/ulterior.sifts.insolvent), still on Reed bridleway 9, then head ENE for 220m until the bridleway bends left (location - https://w3w.co/moods.likening.flanks) then heads NNE for 45m to a right-hand bend (location - https://w3w.co/dairy.constants.stutter), see image below.

Follow Reed bridleway 9 as it bends right
Follow Reed bridleway 9 as it bends right
7: Follow Reed bridleway 9 as it bends right then heads E for 130m to a junction (location - https://w3w.co/fells.motivator.sofas), see image below. Just before the junction you cross a parish boundary.

Keep straight at the junction with the woodland on your left
Keep straight at the junction with the woodland on your left
8: Keep straight at the junction, see the orange arrow on the image above, then continue heading E, now on Barkway bridleway 5, for 370m until you reach a footpath on the left by a bench on the left (location - https://w3w.co/splints.safely.sticks), see image below.

Continue on Barkway bridleway 5 now heading SE
Continue on Barkway bridleway 5 now heading SE
9: Ignore the footpath on the left. Continue on Barkway bridleway 5 now heading SE for 375m until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/decimal.shuttled.rucksack), see image below.

Cross the junction then go through a gap in the hedgerow
Cross the junction then go through a gap in the hedgerow
10: Cross the junction then go through a gap in the hedgerow, see orange arrow on the image above. Here you have two options, see satellite image below.

The permissive path in orange, the route in green
The permissive path in orange, the official route in green
Barkway footpath 7 now crosses an arable field, but if it is overgrown then there is the option of following a permissive path to avoid the crop. To do so turn left once through the gap then head ENE for 85m with the hedgerow on the left then follow the path as it bends right (location - https://w3w.co/unique.beaks.deck) then heads SSE, still with the hedgerow on the left, for 200m until you reach point 12 in the walk.

To follow the route using Barkway bridleway 5, head SSE across the arable field, see image below.

Continue for 185m to a junction in the middle of the field
Continue for 185m to a junction in the middle of the field
Continue for 185m to a junction in the middle of the field (location - https://w3w.co/confronts.stylist.originals). There isn't a signpost or landmark for this junction so Ellie stepped in to point the way, see image below.

Turn left on Barkway footpath 6
Turn left on Barkway footpath 6
11: Turn left on Barkway footpath 6 then head ENE across the arable field, see image below.

Continue for 155m until you reach the hedgerow
Continue for 155m until you reach the hedgerow
Continue heading ENE on Barkway footpath 6 for 155m until you reach the hedgerow where the permissive path, mentioned earlier at point 10, joins from the left (location - https://w3w.co/neck.shampoo.untrained), see image below.

Head ENE on Barkway footpath 6
Head ENE on Barkway footpath 6
12: Continue heading ENE, still on Barkway footpath 6, with the hedgerow on the left and field on the right for 130m until you reach the corner of the field (location - https://w3w.co/thundered.pavilions.standard), see image below.

Go through a gap in the corner of the field
Go through a gap in the corner of the field
13: Go through a gap in the corner of the field then continue to follow Barkway footpath 6 ENE for 220m until you reach High Street in Barkway (location - https://w3w.co/discusses.lemons.canines). There are some lovely old cottages in Barkway, the one below is just to the left as you reach High Street.

Cottages on High Street, Barkway
Cottages on High Street, Barkway
14: Turn right on High Street then head S for 65m until you reach a footpath on the left (location - https://w3w.co/cones.reckons.sage), see image below.
If you need refreshments at this point the Tally Ho pub (location - https://w3w.co/repeating.contrived.caused) is 300m further S along High Street.
Turn left on Barkway footpath 11
Turn left on Barkway footpath 11
15: Turn left on Barkway footpath 11 then head ESE for 165m until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/resist.winds.occupy), see image below.

Keep right at the junction on Barkway footpath 12
Keep right at the junction on Barkway footpath 12
16: Keep right at the junction then continue heading ESE but now on Barkway footpath 12 which you follow for 170m to a gate (location - https://w3w.co/kinks.presumes.hubcaps), see image below.

Follow Barkway footpath 12 past the gate
Follow Barkway footpath 12 past the gate
17: Follow Barkway footpath 12 past the gate and on for 85m down to a bridge over the River Quin (location - https://w3w.co/refills.visitors.germinate), see image below.

Cross the River Quin then turn right
Cross the River Quin then turn right
18: Cross the River Quin, turn right, then head S on Nuthampstead footpath 3 for 45m until the footpath bends left then heads ENE (location - https://w3w.co/jaunts.braved.proved), see image below.

Follow Nuthampstead footpath 3 as it bends left
Follow Nuthampstead footpath 3 as it bends left
Follow Nuthampstead footpath 3 as it bends left then heads ENE then ESE for 400m until you reach a bend (location - https://w3w.co/persuade.couriers.risk), see image below.

Head straight and ESE  through a natural woodland tunnel
Head straight and ESE  through a natural woodland tunnel
19: Continue heading straight and ESE through a natural woodland tunnel for 480m until you reach a clearing (location - https://w3w.co/gloves.alpha.warp), see image below.

Turn left at the end of the woodland
20: Turn left at the end of the woodland, still on Nuthampstead footpath 3, then head E to a gate. Go through the gate then cross a livestock field, which was occupied by horses when we walked the route.

Continue heading E across the livestock field for 260m until you reach a footpath junction just before a gate in the hedgerow on the right (location - https://w3w.co/messing.owners.submerge), see image below.

Turn left on Nuthampstead footpath 4
Turn left on Nuthampstead footpath 4
21: Turn left on Nuthampstead footpath 4 then head NW across the livestock field, see image below.

Nuthampstead footpath 4 heading uphill to woodland
Nuthampstead footpath 4 heading uphill to woodland
Continue heading NW across the livestock field on Nuthampstead footpath 4 for 200m until you reach woodland (location - https://w3w.co/spilling.eventful.absent), see image below.

Turn right when you reach the woodland
Turn right when you reach the woodland
22: Turn right when you reach the woodland. The wooden gate in the photo above might have been replaced when you follow this walk. It was in a fairly rickety state when we tested the route in August 2024.

Go through the gate, still on Nuthampstead footpath 4, then head NNE for 325m until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/paused.corn.dignify), see image below.

Turn left at the junction on Nuthampstead footpath 12
Turn left at the junction on Nuthampstead footpath 12
23: Turn left at the junction then head WNW on Nuthampstead footpath 12 with the woodland on your left. Continue for 420m until the footpath crosses a parish boundary where it becomes Barkway footpath 13.

Continue heading WNW, on Barkway footpath 13 and still with the woodland on the left, for 165m until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/mutual.irony.hooks), see image below.

Take the footpath on the right, Barkway footpath 15
Follow the footpath on the right, Barkway footpath 15
24: Follow Barkway footpath 15 between a line of trees, see orange arrow on the image above. Head WNW for 205m until you reach a bend (location - https://w3w.co/dislodge.stewing.transmitted) where the footpath goes to the right of a house then turns left (location - https://w3w.co/shapeless.salaried.froze), see image below.

Continue on Barkway footpath 15 with the hedge on the left
Barkway footpath 15 bends right then left
25: Follow Barkway footpath 15 as it bends right then turns left, see orange arrow on the image above.

Continue on Barkway footpath 15 with the metal fence on the left
Continue on Barkway footpath 15 with the metal fence on the left
Continue heading WNW on Barkway footpath 15 for 160m until you reach a clearing (location - https://w3w.co/alone.scarcely.processor), see image below.

Continue with trees on your right and a field on your left
Continue with trees on your right and a field on your left
26: Continue heading WNW, still on Barkway footpath 15, with trees on your right and a field on your left, for 135m until you reach woodland (location - https://w3w.co/supported.ambition.paler). As you enter the woodland you will cross the River Quin again (location - https://w3w.co/yachting.rungs.awards), although you probably won't notice because it's not obvious that you are crossing a grassy bridge.

Continue heading WNW on Barkway footpath 15
Continue heading WNW on Barkway footpath 15
27: Continue heading WNW, still on Barkway footpath 15, for 140m until you reach playing fields where the footpath bends to the left (location - https://w3w.co/detriment.winks.neater), see image below.

Follow Barkway footpath 15 as it bends left
Follow Barkway footpath 15 as it bends left
28: Follow Barkway footpath 15 as it heads SW then NW along the boundary of the playing fields, with the trees on your left and playing fields on the right. Continue for 210m until you reach the corner of the playing fields (location - https://w3w.co/automatic.plates.greet), see image below.

Follow Barkway footpath 15 until you reach High Street
Follow Barkway footpath 15 until you reach High Street
29: Follow Barkway footpath 15 for 75m until you reach High Street, Barkway at its junction with Royston Road (location - https://w3w.co/horizons.nurtures.closer), see image below.
There is a village shop, La Vita (location - https://w3w.co/unloads.robes.visual), selling refreshments close to this junction.
Cross High Street then head W along Royston Road
 Cross High Street then head W along Royston Road
30: Cross High Street then head W along Royston Road for 160m until you reach a bend (location - https://w3w.co/annotated.monument.spearing), see image below.

At the bend take Barkway BOAT 2
At the bend take Barkway BOAT 2
31: At the bend take Barkway BOAT 2 (byway open to all traffic) then head W for 390m until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/infuses.distracts.pulse), see image below.

Continue heading W on Barkway BOAT 2
Continue heading W on Barkway BOAT 2
32: Head W on Barkway BOAT 2, ignoring the footpath on the right.  Continue heading W for 700m until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/overtones.spoken.abundance), see image below.

Barkway BOAT 2 continues heading W
Barkway BOAT 2 continues heading W
33: This is an interesting spot. On your left you should see a bench and a noticeboard. It's worth stopping for a read.

Click on the image for a larger version
Click on the image for a larger version
I have reproduced the text from the noticeboard below.
You are now standing on the Meridian Line, which passes through Barkway on its way north from Greenwich.

If you look over your left shoulder and a little to the right, the field you can see was once the site of a motte and bailey. The motte was a mound of earth and the bailey was an enclosure around it. These were built across Europe in the 10th century as protection for local people. They came in many forms, and the illustration at the centre of this sign is just an example.

Local folklore has it that two men named Tadmus and Shonks had a fight on the same field, which at the time was called called Shonks' Field, in a dispute over rent for the land. The great loss of blood that resulted caused periwinkles to grow, and this area is now known as Periwinkle Hill. Shonks is thought to be buried in the walls of Brent Pelham Church.

Settlements have existed in the area since before Roman times, and one of the mast important treasures from the vicinity, the Barkway Hoard, was discovered here.

In 1743, workmen digging a new chalk pit on the edge of Rokey Wood unearthed the Barkway Hoard. It includes six silver plaques, one silver gilt plaque, a statuette of Mars and a bronze handle, probably from a priest's rattle. They are thought to originate from an early 3rd century Romano-British temple dedicated to Mars. The plaques may have been hung around the temple walls by travellers on Ermine Street the local stretch of which was an important route from the Romano-British settlement at Braughing to the Icknield Way crossing at Royston.

The figure of Mars shows him as a youthful dancing figure. The plaques are inscribed with dedications to the gods Mars and Vulcan. Among them is the largest votive plaque found in Europe: 62cm high.

The hoard was probably buried in the 4th century when the area was in danger from marauders. After its discovery it was put into the safe keeping of Lord Selsey (husband of Hester Jennings of Newsells), who was said to have owned Rokey Wood at that time. On his death in 1816 it was bequeathed to the British Museum, where it can be seen today.
The Barkway Hoard
The Barkway Hoard
Image courtesy of The British Museum

Continue heading W on Barkway BOAT 2. After 150m you will cross a parish boundary where the byway you are on becomes Reed BOAT 10 (location - https://w3w.co/daredevil.ground.conqueror), see image below.

Barkway BOAT 2 just before it becomes Reed BOAT 10
Barkway BOAT 2 just before it becomes Reed BOAT 10
34: Continue heading W, now on Reed BOAT 10, for 475m until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/dishing.quietest.target), see image below.

Cross the junction then continue heading W
Cross the junction then continue heading W
35: Cross the junction then continue heading W, still on Reed BOAT 10, for 210m until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/bucket.novelists.brushing), see image below.

Turn left at the junction then head S on Reed bridleway 20
Turn left at the junction then head S on Reed bridleway 20
36: Turn left at the junction then head S on Reed bridleway 20 for 15m until you reach a footpath on the right (location - https://w3w.co/tinny.purified.majoring), see image below.

Turn right on Reed footpath 7
Turn right on Reed footpath 7
Turn right on Reed footpath 7 then head SW for 135m to a gate (location - https://w3w.co/reefs.profile.sparkle), see image below.

Go through the gate then continue heading SW
Go through the gate then continue heading SW
37: Go through the gate then continue heading SW on Reed footpath 7 until you reach a gap in the hedgerow leading to the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Reed (location - https://w3w.co/logged.petted.durations).

38: Go through the churchyard, still on Reed footpath 7 and with the church on your left, for 95m until you return to the start of the walk.

Interactive map

1 comment:

  1. Completed this lovely, quiet walk today (5/2/25). Directions & waypoints are perfect. First field very muddy, then remaining 95% was good going along tracks. Some lovely houses to ogle in Barkway and a really good circular route. Had lunch after in the Silver Ball cafe on main A10. 0.6 mi from finish point. Highly recommended


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