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Walk 220: Stapleford North Loop

4.6 miles (7.4 km) with 85m of total ascent

Sacombe footpath 18 alongside the River Beane
Sacombe footpath 18 alongside the River Beane
For this walk we explored the countryside between a couple of existing routes in our collection in order to create a new loop. It involved walking along rights of way (ROW) we have not visited before, as well as revisiting some footpaths that we have featured in the past, but this time walked in reverse.

The result is a lovely route that has a bit of everything; woodland tracks, riverside paths, rolling countryside with great views, and the benefit of a short detour at the half-way point to Watton-at-Stone for those who want refreshments.

There are two pubs, The George and Dragon or The Bull. There is also Crumbs Bakery and Cafe close to The Bull. We have enjoyed refreshments at all three in separate visits.

Getting there

There are two bus stops (location - https://w3w.co/kite.retain.drive) close to the start of the walk which are served by the number 390 bus. You can check bus times at Intalink.

Those wanting to travel by train could start and finish at Watton-at-Stone Station (location - https://w3w.co/prime.cages.gains), which is 250m NW of point 8 in our directions, then pick up the route from there.

The walk passes two livestock fields between points 15 and 18 where there are signs asking dog owners to keep their pets on a lead. There is a children's playground (location - https://w3w.co/super.cubes.herb) close to the halfway point.

Fly through preview of walk

If you want to check what sort of landscape this walk covers before setting off you can view a short 3D video of the route below. It's created using the free version of Relive.

Below is a short video of some of the scenes along the way.


Map for Walk 220: Stapleford North Loop
Map for Walk 220: Stapleford North Loop
Click here or on the map for a larger version
Map created on MapHub -
copyright details here
There is an interactive map below the directions
Those with GPS devices can download GPX or KML files for this walk. We've added What3Words location references for those who use that system. If you print these walks you might want to use the green PrintFriendly icon at the bottom of these directions to delete elements such as photographs.

We parked along a service road off High Road, Stapleford, close to the junction with Church Lane (location - https://w3w.co/rental.voice.cracks). There were no parking restrictions when we visited (October 2022), but please check in case this has changed since these directions were published.

1: From the junction of Church Lane and High Road, Stapleford (location - https://w3w.co/glove.curvy.violin), with your back to Church Lane, turn right then head N along the E side of High Road for 30m until you see a footpath across the road on the left running alongside the village hall (location - https://w3w.co/riding.fluid.space), see image below.

Stapleford footpath 6 on the left of the village hall
Stapleford footpath 6 on the left of the village hall
Follow Stapleford footpath 6 W for 100m until you pass under the railway line (location - https://w3w.co/decks.range.cares), then continue heading W for 20m to a junction (location - https://w3w.co/poem.smooth.tree), see image below.

Turn right on Stapleford footpath 7
Turn right on Stapleford footpath 7
2: Turn right on Stapleford footpath 7 then head NW for 15m at which point the footpath splits (location - https://w3w.co/boss.shorts.unfair), see image below.

Take the left fork still on Stapleford footpath 7
Take the left fork still on Stapleford footpath 7
Take the left fork, which is Stapleford footpath 7, then continue heading NW for 160m until you reach a gap in the hedgerow (location - https://w3w.co/robot.dimes.broom), see image below.

Head WNW across a field still on Stapleford footpath 7
Head WNW across a field still on Stapleford footpath 7
Continue through the gap, still on Stapleford footpath 7, but now heading WNW across a field for 360m until you reach a gate leading to Gobions Lane (location - https://w3w.co/theme.bugs.port), see image below.

Head W inside the field on a permissive path
Head W inside the field on a permissive path
3: Stay inside the field then head W on a permissive path, with the hedgerow on the right and field on the left, for 510m, until you reach a gate on the right leading to Gobions Lane (location - https://w3w.co/lonely.trace.moment). Here you will find an information board about the permissive path you have just walked, see image below.

The sign for the permissive path between points 3 & 4
The sign for the permissive path between points 3 & 4
4: Turn right on Gobions Lane then head E for 45m until you reach a bridleway on the left (location - https://w3w.co/fake.unfair.branded), see image below.

Turn left on Stapleford bridleway 13
Turn left on Stapleford bridleway 13
Turn left on Stapleford bridleway 13 then head N for 370m until the bridleway you are walking along crosses a parish boundary (location - https://w3w.co/thanks.hills.swung), see image below.

Stapleford bridleway 13 heading N
Stapleford bridleway 13 heading N towards the parish boundary
5: Continue, now on Watton-at-Stone bridleway 33, and head NNW for 700m until you reach Perrywood Lane (location - https://w3w.co/stress.talked.rigid).

6: Turn right on Perrywood Lane then head NE for 160m until you reach a bridleway on the left (location - https://w3w.co/email.dips.pose), see image below.

Turn left on Watton-at-Stone bridleway 23
Turn left on Watton-at-Stone bridleway 23
Turn left on Watton-at-Stone bridleway 23 then head NNW for 270m until the path bends right (location - https://w3w.co/basin.wires.wrong), then heads ENE for 120m before bending left (location - https://w3w.co/gear.craft.humid), and then heads NNW for 170m until you reach a lane (location - https://w3w.co/shark.deal.lakes).

7: Turn right on the lane, which is also Watton-at-Stone bridleway 22, then head NE for 365m until you meet a junction (location - https://w3w.co/notion.tulip.purely), with a railway bridge on the right (location - https://w3w.co/caring.pound.spot) see image below.

Turn right then head E then SE along Church Lane
Turn right then head E then SE along Church Lane
8: Turn right then head E then SE along Church Lane for 515m until you reach the church of St Andrew and St Mary, a Grade II* listed building, on the left (location - https://w3w.co/lobby.rams.spike).
* As you reach the church you could take a detour to Watton-at-Stone High Street by turning left immediately before the church then heading N for 415m along Watton-at-Stone footpath 18 until you reach School Lane. Just before you reach School Lane you will pass a children's playground on the left (location - https://w3w.co/spoon.senior.silks), marked with a blue icon on the map below, where, if you have little ones, they can let off steam. Turn right when you reach School Lane then head NE along School Lane to High Street where you will find Crumbs Bakery and Cafe (location - https://w3w.co/fakes.boxer.urgent), marked with a purple icon on the map below, and The Bull pub/restaurant (location - https://w3w.co/pound.handle.adding) and The George and Dragon pub/restaurant 100m NW along High Street (location - https://w3w.co/expose.lasted.grapes), both marked with orange icons on the detour map below.
The detour for refreshments marked in orange
The detour for refreshments marked in orange
Map created on MapHub - copyright details here
If you don't take the detour for refreshments, continue heading SE along Church Lane for 40m until you reach a junction (location - https://w3w.co/desire.turkey.costs), see image below.

Turn right on Perrywood Lane then head S for 110m
Turn right on Perrywood Lane then head S for 110m
9: Turn right on Perrywood Lane then head S for 110m until you reach a footpath on the left (location - https://w3w.co/await.work.deny), see image below.

Turn left on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24
Turn left on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24
10: Turn left on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24 then head SSE for 145m until you reach a footpath junction (location - https://w3w.co/chart.vote.flags), see image below.

Continue on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24 now heading SE
Continue on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24, now heading SE
11: Ignore the path on the right and continue on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24, now heading SE for 35m until you reach a field (location - https://w3w.co/guard.dates.score), see image below.

Cross the field, still on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24
Cross the field, still on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24
12: Cross the field heading SE for 365m, still on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24, until the footpath goes through a patch of woodland (location - https://w3w.co/aspect.found.seated) for 75m before reaching another field (location - https://w3w.co/tables.plans.quest), see image below.

Continue across a second field, on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24
Continue across a second field, still on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24
Continue heading SE across a second field for 390m, still on Watton-at-Stone footpath 24, until you reach the A119 (location - https://w3w.co/late.discrepancy.tins). Cross the A119 then head E into the grounds of Woodhall Park on Watton-at-Stone footpath 12, see image below.

Enter Woodhall Park on Watton-at-Stone footpath 12
13: Follow Watton-at-Stone footpath 12 E for 260m until you reach an information board on the left describing the work being carried out along the River Beane as part of The River Beane Project (location - https://w3w.co/busy.pass.even), see images below.

Broad Water on the River Beane before point 14
Broadwater on the River Beane before point 14
Continue for 140m until Watton-at-Stone footpath 12 crosses a bridge over the River Beane (location - https://w3w.co/bucked.necks.agreed), see image below.

Cross the bridge over the River Beane then turn right
Cross the bridge over the River Beane then turn right
14: Cross the bridge over the River Beane then turn right, still on Watton-at-Stone footpath 12, then head SE for 200m before the path bends left then heads ENE for 125m to a junction (location - https://w3w.co/almost.remark.bolt), see image below.

Turn right on Watton-at-Stone footpath 10A then cross a bridge
Turn right on Watton-at-Stone footpath 10A, then cross a bridge
15: Turn right, now on Watton-at-Stone footpath 10A, then cross a bridge (location - https://w3w.co/taxi.donor.manual) and head SSE then S to another bridge (location - https://w3w.co/moves.erase.influencing), see image below.

Watton-at-Stone footpath 10A heading S
Watton-at-Stone footpath 10A heading S
Immediately after the second bridge turn right on Watton-at-Stone footpath 12A (location - https://w3w.co/scores.flops.text) then head SW to a gate (location - https://w3w.co/today.fallen.museum), see image below.

Watton-at-Stone footpath 12A heading SW to a gate
Watton-at-Stone footpath 12A heading SW to a gate

Go through the gate and continue on Watton-at-Stone footpath 12A
Go through the gate and continue on Watton-at-Stone footpath 12A
Go through the gate then continue on Watton-at-Stone footpath 12A for 50m until you cross the parish boundary. At this point the footpath you are on becomes Sacombe footpath 18 (location - https://w3w.co/wink.slot.punch).

Continue on Sacombe footpath 18
Continue on Sacombe footpath 18
16: Continue heading SW on Sacombe footpath 18 for 255m until you reach a gate alongside a stone wall (location - https://w3w.co/design.mental.festivity). Follow Sacombe footpath 18 SSW then S, with the River Beane on your right, for 200m until you reach a footpath crossing and a footbridge on the right (location - https://w3w.co/loss.trap.highs).

17: Ignore the footpath on the left and right and continue heading S then SSW, still on Sacombe footpath 18 with the River Beane on your right. This is a particularly pretty stretch of the walk.

The footpath alongside the River Beane towards the end of the walk
The footpath alongside the River Beane towards the end of the walk
Continue on Sacombe footpath 18 for 610m until you reach a residential road called Clusterbolts (location - https://w3w.co/dots.hammer.study).

18: Head SSE along Clusterbolts for 240m until you reach Church Lane (location - https://w3w.co/margin.glass.switch).

Turn right on Church Lane then head W to the start point
Turn right on Church Lane then head W to the start point
19: Turn right on Church Lane then head W for 260m back to the start of the walk.

Interactive map


  1. Did this walk today in the warm November sunshine. Really enjoyed this one with its wide views across the countryside and paths across open fields. Stopped for a delicious toasted sandwich and coffee at Crumbs in Watton at Stone. Very handy bench which I think was between 6 and 7 where I could take off my boot to remove a stone:) Got a bit lost somewhere around point 16 because we have done some of your other walks that go past Southend Farm and we went that way by mistake and had to cut across another way to get back to Stapleford but it didnt matter. I think this walk will be one of our favourites (especially if we dont go wrong and we can walk alongside the River Beane around point 17!) and parking was easy at the beginning where you suggested. Very quiet as well and I think we only passed a handful of people the whole time we were walking. Thanks again for all your hard work planning these walks.

    1. Yes, a great walk. Sorry you got a bit lost, but glad it didn't spoil your day. Thanks for the feedback. We also enjoyed Crumbs. Dave

  2. I am just coming back from this walk. Absolutely stunning. One of the most beautiful walks i have ever done. And today's frozen leaves, grass and trees made it truly magical. Very easy to follow with a bit of everything. Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Claire, so glad you enjoyed it. We were out today, too. Great walking weather. I love the frost on the branches and the berries. Thanks for your feedback. David.

  3. Hi David Another wonderful walk and will definately walk it again .I always look at previous Walkers comments but today they obviously did not sink in or I was still full of 'Christmas Spirit. Firstly at point 6 I turned left instead of right so looped round to catch up at 7. Then laugh did exactly what previous Walker had done missed the turn at 16 and carried on up Southend Drive then cutting back on Footpath 17 which I recognised ( Air Vent Pipes and Sheep ) to 19. Must do again cause missed the pretty part next to river. Hey Ho. .IR.

  4. Hi. Completed this walk today with 3 friends. We started and finished from Watton at Stone but it is a fabulous walk, lots of snowdrops and aconites en route. Thank you, will certainly walk this again. Maggie

    1. Great, glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the feedback. Currently planning a linear from Watton at Stone to Welwyn North via Bramfield. 7.4 miles. David

  5. Just to say thank you David for another great walk … lots of variety, lovely scenery and plenty of different birds spotted … we thoroughly enjoyed it in the morning sunshine and will be adding it to our favourites list ! 😊

    1. Hi Alison, so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for such a lovely review. David

  6. Did this walk again yesterday on just the right day for it - not too hot and a breeze. Quite different from last time when we tried this one in November. Lots of nettles and brambles but still ok to get past them all. Easy to park at the beginning which is always a bonus. Really lovely walk with a great variety as you say in your description. Stopped at Crumbs again in Watton for excellent sandwiches and coffee. Beautiful stretch in Woodhall Park and along the River Beane. Made sure we didnt go wrong this time between 15 and 16 (easy to check with the photo of the curved gate which we must have missed last time!) Will certainly add this to our list of favourites.

    1. Hi Deborah, so glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the great report. Nice to know the photo helped. If you are on Facebook, please consider joining our members-only Facebook group (if you haven't already) where you can post pictures and reports about your walks. Fellow walkers have been posting some lovely stuff.


    2. We really enjoy the walks. I'm not on Facebook but thanks for the tip.

    3. Glad you enjoyed the walk. Hope you finished before the rain. We got caught in it on our walk today. :-)

  7. What a great walk! Very scenic and varied. Luckily the rain stopped just as we set out. Lovely lunch stop in Watton on Stone. We took an alternative path/small diversion through Watkins Hall Farm passing by a lake.

    1. So glad you enjoyed it. And thanks for the diversion tip. David

  8. Did this one this morning . Second time for me and still a lovely route . All paths and tracks passable and in good order . The River Beane is being diverted back through the meadow with plenty of diggers creating a new course . Well done Affinity Water ..!

  9. Hi great walk just 1 observation at start says with back to church Lane turn left to go north to village hall. This should be right unless I am wrong . Brilliant walk too.

    1. Oops, sorry for that. Thanks for pointing it out. I have fixed the error. Very embarrassing.

  10. David no problem m8


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