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Walk 158: Wigginton East Loop

5.1 miles (8.2 km) with 115m of total ascent

A narrowboat on the Grand Union Canal
A narrowboat on the Grand Union Canal
This is a lovely walk from the village of Wigginton that takes in parts of three long-distance paths, The Chiltern WayThe Ridgeway, and a section of The Grand Union Canal Walk. There is a fair amount of up and down, and you will be conscious of traffic noise from the A41, which you walk under via a tunnel at point 4 then walk over via a footbridge at point 9.

There is a cafe at the Wigginton Village Shop at the start and finish point as well as a pub, The Greyhound. We have another walk from Wigginton, Walk 159: Wigginton South-West Loop.

Getting there

There are bus stops close to The Greyhound at the start of the walk (location - https://w3w.co/inspected.masterful.guard), which are served by the numbers 199 and 397 buses. There are also bus stops in the village served by the 207 and 398. You can check bus times at Intalink.

Fly through preview of walk

If you want to check what sort of landscape you will be crossing before you set off on this walk you can view a short 3D video of the route below. It's created using the free version of Relive.


Map for Walk 158: Wigginton East Loop
Map for Walk 158: Wigginton East Loop
Click on the map for a larger version
Created on Map Hub by Hertfordshire Walker
Elements © Thunderforest © OpenStreetMap contributors
There is an interactive map below these directions
Those with GPS devices can download GPX or KML files for this walk. We've added What3Words location references for those who use that system. If you print these walks you might want to use the green PrintFriendly icon at the bottom of these directions to delete elements such as photographs.

Wigginton footpath 8 heading E from Chesham Road - point 1
Wigginton footpath 8 heading E from Chesham Road - point 1
1: With your back to The Greyhound pub/restaurant in Wigginton (location - https://w3w.co/stalemate.newsprint.sulked), turn right and head SSW along Chesham Road for 20m looking out for a footpath on the left almost opposite the pub car park, see image above (location - https://w3w.co/confining.prepare.burden). This is Wigginton footpath 8, which you follow as it heads E.

The gate leading to Lower Wood - point 2
The gate leading to Lower Wood - point 2
2: After 640m you reach Lower Wood (location - https://w3w.co/postings.downs.keys). Enter the wood through a gate (see image above) then ignore paths to the left and right immediately after the gate. Continue heading E and slightly downhill through Lower Wood on Wigginton footpath 8 for 260m until you reach a junction, see image below (location - https://w3w.co/heaven.lashed.form).

When the path splits keep to the left on Wigginton footpath 8 - point 3
When the path splits, keep to the left on Wigginton footpath 8 - point 3
3: Take the left fork and continue heading E on Wigginton footpath 8 as the path leaves Lower Wood then crosses a field to reach a footpath T-junction (location - https://w3w.co/defensive.earpiece.cubes).

4: Turn right at the junction, then head SSE on Wigginton footpath 11 (which becomes a concrete track) for 130m until you reach Crawley's Lane (location - https://w3w.co/rural.imply.offshore). Turn left on Crawley's Lane, then follow it NE for 110m as it passes under the A41.

5: After walking under the A41, look out for a byway on the right, 50m after the underpass (location - https://w3w.co/reverted.drifting.conned).

Take the second path through the gate of Tinkers Lodge
Take the second path through the gate of Tinkers Lodge
* Important: There are two track on the right at this point. Ignore the first, which looks like a footpath, and, instead, take the second, which looks like a private drive. Go through a gate marked Tinkers Lodge to the right of a house. This is Wigginton BOAT 10 (byway open to all traffic). Follow it passing a house and a barn then continue heading E then NE for 650m until you reach Tring Road, the A4251 (location - https://w3w.co/likely.clotting.chitchat).

6: Turn right on Tring Road, then head SE for 40m looking out for Wharf Lane on the left (location - https://w3w.co/captive.diets.highlighted). Head ENE along Wharf Lane for 70m until you cross the Grand Union Canal (location - https://w3w.co/accompany.policy.irrigate).

Cowroast Lock on The Grand Union Canal
Cowroast Lock on The Grand Union Canal

The sign at Cowroast Lock
The sign at Cowroast Lock
Turn left immediately after the bridge over the canal to reach the towpath by Cowroast Lock. Follow the towpath NNW then NNE then NNW again for 2.4km until you reach Station Road, which crosses over the canal (location - https://w3w.co/foam.cobbles.withdraws).

7: Continue under the bridge then take the steps on your right immediately after the bridge and climb them to reach Station Road. Turn right on Station Road, then cross the bridge and head S for 20m until you reach Beggars Lane on the left (location - https://w3w.co/intervals.dwarf.dive). Head S on Beggars Lane for 160m looking out for a footpath on the right (location - https://w3w.co/status.paradise.shook).

Aldbury footpath 66, which is also The Ridgeway leaving Beggars Lane
Aldbury footpath 66, which is also The Ridgeway leaving Beggars Lane

8: Turn right on Aldbury footpath 66, which is The Ridgeway, then head SW for 800m until you reach the A4251 (location - https://w3w.co/defrost.generally.daisy).

Cross the A4251 to reach Wigginton footpath 14
Cross the A4251 to reach Wigginton footpath 14
9: Turn right and head W alongside the A4251 for 30m to a point where The Ridgeway path crosses the road (location - https://w3w.co/filed.faced.mega) - see red arrow on image above. This is now Wigginton footpath 14, and still The Ridgeway. Follow it as it heads SW, crossing the A41 via a footbridge, then heads SW for 500m before reaching a lane called The Twist (location - https://w3w.co/lyricist.durations.quality).

10: Turn right on The Twist then head NW for 15m looking out for a footpath on your left (location - https://w3w.co/quality.caressed.lemons). Take this path, Wigginton footpath 20, then follow it SSW for 160m before it swings to the right then heads W for 320m before reaching Fox Road (location - https://w3w.co/opts.wooden.backed).

Turn left on Tring Town footpath 80 then head SSE
Turn left on Tring Town footpath 80 then head SSE
11: Take the footpath on the opposite side of Fox Road (location - https://w3w.co/muted.divider.inches). This is Wigginton footpath 18, which you follow W for 80m until you reach a junction by a gate (location - https://w3w.co/signified.clown.loafer). Turn left, on Tring Town footpath 80, then follow it SSE, with the houses on your left and the woodland on your right, for 310m until you reach a road called Upper Tring Park (location - https://w3w.co/masterpiece.hence.original).

12: Cross Upper Tring Park then continue heading SSE for 110m, still on Tring Town footpath 80, until the path bends to the right, then to the left and continues for 400m until it reaches Wick Road (location - https://w3w.co/announced.infringe.storage).

13: Turn left on Wick Road, then follow it ENE for 250m looking out for a footpath on the right after Wigginton recreation ground.

14: Take this footpath, Wigginton footpath 9, then head S for 100m, passing The Wigginton Village Shop and cafe on the right, before reaching Chesham Road where you turn left and head back to The Greyhound.

Interactive map


  1. Did this walk from Wiggington today and really enjoyed it. Great variety with fields, woods and canals and stopped at the Village Shop and Cafe at the end for a delicious coffee and cake. Excellent instructions and we will certainly do this one again. Thanks for listing it. (Not sure if the print facility is there at the bottom of the page?)

  2. Hi,
    Glad you enjoyed it. Are you trying to print from the web or from mobile? The print facility is just below the interactive map at the bottom of the page on the online version of the site. Just click on the green 'PrintFriendly' icon then delete any elements you don't want before printing.
    If you are trying to print from the mobile, click the three dots at the top right of the walk page then click on 'desktop version'. When it loads scroll down to the green Printfriendly icon below the interactive map and click it. Once Printfriendly loads, scroll through clicking on any elements, such as photos, that you don't want to print (in order to save trees), and then click print making sure your mobile has a wifi link to a printer.
    Hope that helps.
    Thanks again for your feedback.

    1. I usually use the icon at the bottom of the page on the web version but couldnt see it for this walk.....

    2. Sorry to hear that. I have checked three times and the share bar is there beneath the interactive map at the bottom of the page.
      Please try clearing your cache and then refresh the page. Perhaps it's a cacheing issue on your computer?

    3. Thanks for your help. I've realised the icons etc are missing because of all the privacy and security software my sons has recently put on the computer🙄

  3. Ah, thanks for explaining. Yes, privacy software can limit sharing functionality. Glad you found the reason.


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