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Walk 88: Ermine Street East Loop

Walk details currently being updated

Countryside & Rights of Way Service volunteers repairing a ROW
Countryside & Rights of Way Service volunteers repairing a ROW
We are have archived this walk while repair work is carried out to certain rights of way. Apologies for any inconvenience caused. We have contacted Hertfordshire County Council to try to find out when they will be opened or repaired. Please choose one of our other free walks. We will update this page when the route has been amended. Thanks for your patience.


  1. We enjoyed this walk today - it was a sunny winter day, and whilst still quite wet and muddy in places, nothing we are not used to. We noted a couple of corrections to the instructions: In step 1, it is more like 250m (not 20m) to reach Spital Brook from the car park. Also, it is Barclay Park, not Jubilee Park, though Jubilee Walk does run through Barclay Park. Many thanks for the work you do in compiling these walks for our use!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the walk. And thanks for pointing out the two points that needed correcting. I have edited both. Nice of you to take the time to let me know. Thanks again.

  2. Did this walk in early Oct. Another lovely walk, with easy instructions to follow. Great walk for our dog with lots of bridal paths. Stoped off at the college arms for a beer. Loved walking down Ermine Street.

    1. Yes, we always stop at The College Arms when we do that walk. Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the feedback. David

  3. Did this walk today (the circular bit in reverse as we walked straight on at the start of the loop) - between points 9 and 10 there's a huge housing development going on but Bramble lane is maintained and seems to follow the same route.

    1. Hi Ann, thanks for the update. I suppose we will need to get accustomed to housing development springing up where open countryside once was. Good to know the public right of way is still there. Thanks for the feedback.

  4. A further update on the walk. The tunnels under the A10 spur road are closed. We did find our way around this but it involved walking through a building site (I dont think we weren't meant to!). Nevertheless a lovely walk.

    1. Thanks Dinah, I will study the map, contact Heart CC ROW team and put a note on the walk. Hope it didn't spoil your day. David

  5. Has anyone done this walk recently and can say if tunnel is now open or still closed please?

    1. Hi, I have emailed the HCC rights of way team asking for an update. Thanks for the reminder. David

  6. Hi Dave. I appreciate the work done in listing all these walks. I have done over 30 so far. I had a go at walk 88 (aware of the notice about the part that is blocked). According to a notice on the barrier, it is still blocked until 2nd Sept 2024. The diversion was not to irksome. Also, the elevated walkway at part 6 has partially collapsed and the bridge over the stream at 51°45'21.7"N 0°01'54.7"W has its planks missing. I managed to get by on both. Beware of the cows in the field with the elevated walkway; about 15 of them congregated around the stile that was my exit and my forced diversion involved jumping a stream, barbed wire and nettles. Despite all that I enjoyed it.

    1. Hi Mark, thanks for the update. Very helpful. Have you had a chance to report the broken elevated walkway and bridge to Hertfordshire CC? Sorry you had to jump over a stream, barbed wire and nettles. But glad you enjoyed the walk despite all that. I have included a link to the HCC rights of way fault form. David

    2. Two faults reported. Reference numbers: 401004148951& 401004148967

    3. Wonderful, thanks so much, Mark. By the way, have you joined our friendly Hertfordshire Walker Facebook group yet? It's a really helpful group with people sharing updates and photographs from their walks in the Hertfordshire countryside. David

  7. Hey! Does anyone know if this route can be walked yet? Seeing some people post that they did it late 2024 but parts of the router were damaged.

    1. Hi Antony, I will check with the HCC access officer for the area. David


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